3 crafty ideas from Lost Stock

We’re on a mission.

We want to halt the toxic cycle of buying and returning and instead find ways to use products wherever we can in our homes and in our lives! It’s better for the environment and might even mean we can pick up some crafty new skills along the way. 


When your parcel arrives we can guarantee it will have three items of clothing, maybe even more. You have already done a good deed by buying, but once it arrives - get sharing! Show your friends your new purchases by using our hashtag #LostStock and help us continue to spread the word. 

If any of the items aren’t quite to your taste as they are, we have some tips to make the most of them:

3 Top Tips

  • It’s a little big/small? The present drawer...
  • If what you get doesn’t quite fit, add it to your present drawer, and it’ll make a great gift for someone else. Fill up your present drawer throughout the year - that way you always have a stash of things for that birthday that creeps up on you unexpectedly. 

  • Want to jazz it up? Get tie-dying.
  • Tie-dying is huge at the moment and shows no signs of going away. You don’t need any fancy equipment either, with the new tie-dying trend of using turmeric you can give neutral tees a new lease of life in an all-natural way - here’s our favourite video on how to do it!

  • Too similar to your existing styles? Turn it into a bag.
  • We love this idea of transforming your t-shirt into a bag, it’s practical and you can be as creative as you want, mixing different fabrics and patterns together to create something unique.


    We asked the rest of the team what they will been getting up to with any clothes they don’t want? 

    ‘I’ll be making cushion covers - I love super soft cushions that you can curl up on, so a t-shirt is perfect!’
    Lauren / Marketing
    ‘Who doesn’t love pizza? I'll be making a pizza glove for cooking pizza (ideally outside!). It’s pretty much like an oven glove - PLUS I can personalise it with my name - here’s the template.’
    Hilde / Product

    ‘Face masks! I’ve already been making face masks out of cool fabrics. They look great and it means I’m not wasting any of my unwanted tees when I love the pattern but I’m over the style!’ 
    Catriona / Sales



    A hammock - we love the optimism, but that’s just a little ambitious for us for now I’m afraid... Have you been getting crafty lately? We’d love to hear your ideas. Email us at contact@loststock.com to share.


    Team Lost Stock


    Image credit: Unsplash


    Amazing clothes from popular brands at a great price.

    Every Lost Stock box sold supports a worker and their family for one week.

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