Lost Stock preferences - how it works
When you choose to shop for good and order from Lost Stock, it’s a little different to online shopping from most other retailers.

As part of your order process, you tell us some of your style preferences. With these preferences, we look at the clothes that are sitting in our partner factories across Bangladesh, India and other countries where we have seen significant stock cancellations by major retailers. With your preferences and the selection of clothes, we use our clever algorithms and expert buying teams to find the best possible match for your order.
All the clothes that go into Lost Stock boxes are items that have originally been ordered by popular retailers, but cancelled due to closed stores, limited transport or other problems as a result of COVID-19. This has had a devastating impact on the factories and their workers, and we are proud to be helping them get back on their feet - with your support.
We try to match your preferences as closely as possible to the available stock. In some cases, we aren't able to give you a perfect match for all your items - that may be due to available styles, sizes or other factors. Stock cancellations have hit many factories hard, and the product selection can be limited in some cases.
Getting your items ready to ship

Once we’ve selected the stock, we arrange for the products to have their original brand labels removed. This has to be done in a safe working environment, and with many factories operating at 50% capacity, it can take a little time to complete delabelling for all the products in a shipment from that factory. In some cases, the factories will add Lost Stock labels to the finished garments. And we always make sure to keep the care label - the one that tells you what materials your item is made of, and including washing and care instructions.
Finally, the clothes are sent to our logistics hub where all the pick & pack operations take place. Each individual parcel is packed and shipped to their destination in a 100% compostable bag. We will send you tracking links as soon as your parcel is in our delivery system, so you can trace your parcel on its journey.
We hope you love the clothes you receive, and if there are some things that are not quite to your liking, we have many great suggestions for what you can do to make sure your shopping continues to make a positive impact. Have a look at our impact page to find out what options are available.
Please do not return your order. Returns massively reduces the good we can do in Bangladesh, and limit our ability to continue to help workers and families in need. If you don’t return, we’ll send you some fantastic discounts from ethical brands a few weeks after you’ve received your new Lost Stock clothes items.
How we support workers and collaborate with factories
Lost Stock are only working with factories where we know that the quality of items is excellent, and where we can be certain that workers have safe working conditions, and that they are able to adhere to physical distancing and other measures to keep everyone safe and protected from COVID-19 risks.
The majority of factories we buy from are in Bangladesh, while others are in India or other countries where COVID-19 cancellations has also had a massive impact on workers and their livelihoods.
In Bangladesh, we work with SAJIDA foundation to provide support to factory workers and their families, whether we buy stock directly from their factory or not. They receive vouchers for food and essential supplies - one Lost Stock box provides a family of four with support lasting them a whole week.
By choosing to order from Lost Stock, you are making a decision to do good with your shopping. Your support is so appreciated, and it makes a real difference.
From all of us at Lost Stock - thank you.