Share Lost Stock clothes with Nuw

Lost Stock has partnered with Nuw to allow the clothes you receive to enjoy a longer life and continue their story.
Nuw is a clothes sharing app and community on a mission to reduce fashion’s environmental impact by giving new life to the clothes that already exist in our wardrobes. Sign up on
With Nuw you can borrow and lend beautiful clothes that aren’t getting the love they deserve. Excitingly, you can also permanently swap pieces you are ready to part with and find something ‘nuw' to you.
Lost Stock customers in the UK and Ireland get FREE access to Nuw - including unlimited swapping!
Here's how Nuw works with Lost Stock:
It is FREE to join the Nuw app. Follow the step by step instructions below and then get swapping!
- Download the Nuw app from the App Store or Google Play
- Register on the app to become a member. As a member, you can share any item in your wardrobe - not just Lost Stock clothes.
- Start sharing items! You can share items from Lost Stock or upload other pieces from your wardrobe for additional benefits.
Sign up now on to get started.

Saving the planet never looked so good.